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Mesh transparent inside


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Hello! New to creating. I made this top (no texture on it yet) via Marvelous Designer > Blender with the front being cropped and a longer "train" material in the back. If you look at the front and view the sides, the inside of the mesh is totally transparent. I'm not sure what I did wrong.. Any clue how to fix? 


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This is completely normal. Second Life (and I would say most real-time renderers) use single-sided faces. What this means is that one side will be solid, and the other will be invisible as you've noticed.

In cases like this, where you want both sides to be visible, you'll have to duplicate some of the faces and flip their normals. (normal = direction)

You'll want to avoid duplicating the entire shirt, though. You should only duplicate what is necessary to hide the problem, otherwise you'll make your shirt unnecessarily complex and inefficient, which has an adverse effect on viewer performance.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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Hi and welcome @TheDollieit will be as its a single skin with back culling you are seeing on outside the surface with back culled on inside to solve this use the spanner and thickness tool to add a thickness not to much but has to be more than 0.3 to be visible in Second life  I had this with my dragon wings . Have fun and your doing great havent managed any clothing yet xD hugs D I hope you will enjoy the forum as much as i do X

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