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Out of stock MP listings: Some listing are getting deleted from MP!

Samara Sharkfin

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I toke a couple of days to understand what's going on. This seem to have started 3-5 days ago, at least for me.
First i saw that out of stock unlisted items were not visible anymore under >All and >Unlisted.

Later i discover that i still can see those unlisted items stock folders in the Viewer under >Marketplace Listings >Unassociated.
If i restock and list again the >List functions is grayed out. So i have to start from scratch and redo the whole listing in the MP webpage.

I have hundreds of items affected by that. Some listing are still working correctly, the listing stays there even if empty, and can be restocked.

A JIRA is filed: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230301  >> MP Items getting unassociated and listing deleted. <<
And i filed a support ticket.

Note that is not the other bug regarding the broken MP listing filter link (see in this forum: MP manage listings: changing view to all, listed, unlisted, results in "The page you were looking for doesn't exist" from February 9 - did not link it here as it makes a really ugly preview)

Not happy Samara 😞

Edited by Samara Sharkfin
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So this was not a wide spread issue, but something that seem to have happen to only some people. (other post about this)
My listings and in-viewer marketplace stock folders were re-associated so i can restock again without redoing the whole listings.
This could be done to estimated over 90%, and foremost the newest most precious plus hundreds of listings i restock, are now there again.

In case you have same issues, file a support ticket and refer to the JIRA mentioned above.


Much happier Samara \o/

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