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Ban lines..


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Was helping a friend search for a parcel on mainland.

Big surprise!

Why in earth does the seller put up ban lines on the parcel they selling?

If any wanted to pay for the land he/she also wanted to look  from the parcel side of land.

Only at yesterday i found 5 parcels out for sell that have ban lines. 

Crazy...don't think that any wanted to steal the grass.  🤪


Just wanted to point it out for the ones selling their parcel. Ban lines = no buy 😜




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2 hours ago, TalentBoy said:

Was helping a friend search for a parcel on mainland.

Big surprise!

Why in earth does the seller put up ban lines on the parcel they selling?

If any wanted to pay for the land he/she also wanted to look  from the parcel side of land.

Only at yesterday i found 5 parcels out for sell that have ban lines. 

Crazy...don't think that any wanted to steal the grass.  🤪


Just wanted to point it out for the ones selling their parcel. Ban lines = no buy 😜



I did this accidentally once.  I was testing something with ban lines with one of my alts and forgot to turn them off.  Since I don't have ban lines visible normally, neither myself nor my alts noticed them still being on.  A week or two later I decided to sell that plot.  Luckily my neighbor pointed it out to me the day after I set it for sale.

Many of us screw up sometimes -- so, it might have just been a goof like mine was.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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