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Can you blend shapes?


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Hi there. I've just started creating my own buildings. I was wondering if there was a way to blend so there's no join line between shapes? For example, I've just put a skylight in to a roof but despite the height of the two shapes being the same, you can clearly see a join line between them. Any suggestions or hints and tips that might help this newbie building? Thanks.

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2 hours ago, LjHarris said:

Hi there. I've just started creating my own buildings. I was wondering if there was a way to blend so there's no join line between shapes? For example, I've just put a skylight in to a roof but despite the height of the two shapes being the same, you can clearly see a join line between them. Any suggestions or hints and tips that might help this newbie building? Thanks.

Guessing that you are talking about prims and the inworld tools. If so this may help.


With the prim you want to copy selected, go to the copy (magic wand icon) in the build menu.  You want to COPY your SELECTION  and most of the time "I" at least have these other boxes checked. You will need to  decide on that depending on what you want to do. 

Then with the magic wand tool still selected touch the edge of the prim that you want to connect to.  This takes a little practice so using cubes at first is a good idea to learn.   

The wand tool will place a perfectly aligned prim (or a linked set of prims) where you have touched.  If you have keep tool selected on you can make many copies perfectly aligned. 





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Thank you for that. 
I had trouble when I had to rotate the cube to put a hollow shape in it (similar to what you have done), then flatten it out (it's a skylight in a roof) and attach it to a rectangle I"d already made... I will play around and see what I can do with it if I change things a little. Thank you!!


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If your prims are already made, you can still line them up exactly. If they are the same thickness, select one and note its Z position. Then select the other and set the Z position to the same value. Note that this aligns the prims' CENTERS. If they are different thicknesses, the surfaces will still be off, but you can adjust that if you know both prims' dimensions.

(Also, I used "Z position" as an example, since you mentioned your prim is a skylight. You can align in X or Y, too.)

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Here is a post that I found a few years back when I was trying to get dissimilar prims to align.  The video is awesome - it discusses the Align tool.  It will show you how to simply align things all on the same axis, without touching and how to snap/push the items together so that they are touching and aligned.



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