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9 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

That's great and all but the fact remains that there are indeed people who think that way and believe such things.

Further, ulterior motives or not - do not assume that it is just an act.

I think she is acting so she can look more Republican to her Republican and probably conservative Christian customers.  However, the endangerment of others is very real.  

The vaccine has mostly been given out to older, non-child bearing women in the first rounds, and it's only been a short while since child-bearing women are getting the vaccine.

So, she has a friend who got the vaccine three weeks ago and now her friend isn't pregnant yet?  Oh woe is me.  I'm not pregnant in three weeks!  It must be the vaccine!  

Edited by FairreLilette
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They ask Bill Gates. Everybody knows when you get your second jab,  you get that secret microchip implanted together with that WiFi booster and anti conception drugs,  so that he can trace you everywhere without you getting pregnant. Don't you read the right sites?

Edited by Sid Nagy
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1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

I think she is acting so she can look more Republican to her Republican and probably conservative Christian customers.  However, the endangerment of others is very real.  

The vaccine has mostly been given out to older, non-child bearing women in the first rounds, and it's only been a short while since child-bearing women are getting the vaccine.

So, she has a friend who got the vaccine three weeks ago and now her friend isn't pregnant yet?  Oh woe is me.  I'm not pregnant in three weeks!  It must be the vaccine!  

I dug a little more into this and found that there are stores in Canada that are stopping vaccinated people from entering too based on a similar fear. Seems to be based on something called Spike Protein Shedding which is an extension of Vaccine Shedding as has happened in past with some live vaccines. Some unvaccinated people are reporting to the Side effect reporting agencies like VAERS and the UK Yellow Card that they have been experiencing similar side effects that vaccinated ones have been. This Dr. explains it in more detail.


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12 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

They ask Bill Gates. Everybody knows when you get your second jab,  you get that secret microchip implanted together with that WiFi booster and anti conception drugs,  so that he can trace you everywhere without you getting pregnant. Don't you read the right sites?

I heard we will get a pretty sweet discount on newer versions of Microsoft products also when they come out.. So there is that too for all windows and office users.

I wonder if they are doing anything for xbox too?


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20 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I dug a little more into this and found that there are stores in Canada that are stopping vaccinated people from entering too based on a similar fear. Seems to be based on something called Spike Protein Shedding which is an extension of Vaccine Shedding as has happened in past with some live vaccines. Some unvaccinated people are reporting to the Side effect reporting agencies like VAERS and the UK Yellow Card that they have been experiencing similar side effects that vaccinated ones have been. This Dr. explains it in more detail.


OMG!! The Vaccine is spreading!! \o/



I think we should call it the Jean-claude Vandemmic

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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18 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

This Dr. explains it in more detail.

This "Dr" is a well known anti vaxer who believes in homeopathy, essential oils, starving sick children, and denies that HIV causes AIDS.

His entire talking point for the last few years is that specific fragments of the vaccine used to train the bodies immune system, actually cause the full on virus in other people. 

This is a scientific impossibility and not how this works.

It's like believing you can build an entire car, complete with combustion engine, if you just have a wing mirror.

He continually claims a lack of evidence and long term study, even for vaccines that have been in long term widespread international use.

This isn't his first rodeo. He's dangerous and not above blatant fearmongering.




Edited by Coffee Pancake
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1 minute ago, Coffee Pancake said:

This "Dr" is a well known anti vaxer who believes in homeopathy, essential oils, starving sick children, and denies that HIV causes AIDS.

His entire talking point for the last few years is that specific fragments of the vaccine used to train the bodies immune system, actually cause the full on virus in other people. 

This is a scientific impossibility and not how this works.

It's like believing you can build an entire car, complete with combustion engine, if you just have a wing mirror.

He continually claims a lack of evidence and long term study, even for vaccines that have been in long term widespread international use.

This isn't his first rodeo. He's dangerous and not above blatant fearmongering.




Not at all surprised she cited him.  And the insanity just goes on and on and on......

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39 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Some unvaccinated people are reporting to the Side effect reporting agencies like VAERS and the UK Yellow Card that they have been experiencing similar side effects that vaccinated ones have been. This Dr. explains it in more detail.

Unvaccinated people are not supposed to be reporting there.  

I live in an apartment building with approx. 100 people.  How many are anti-vaxxers here, I don't know.  I know my next door neighbor is an anti-vaxxer here but she is the only one I know of.  She has had no symptoms of anything.  She walks around practically covered up like a surgeon and wears a face shield plastic covering over her face.  She may get the vaccine soon, she was scared, she's thinking about it.  But, she is fine living with nearly 100 people who have had the vaccine and all of us using the same elevator, mail center and doors, etc.  We have far more fear of her than she needs to fear from us.  But, she keeps way covered up and the rest of us keep our masks on indoors as well.  

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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I dug a little more into this and found that there are stores in Canada that are stopping vaccinated people from entering too based on a similar fear. Seems to be based on something called Spike Protein Shedding which is an extension of Vaccine Shedding as has happened in past with some live vaccines. Some unvaccinated people are reporting to the Side effect reporting agencies like VAERS and the UK Yellow Card that they have been experiencing similar side effects that vaccinated ones have been. This Dr. explains it in more detail.


Spike Protein Shedding is to Live Vaccine shedding as owning a robot is to owning a robot factory that makes robot factories making robots.*

The mRNA Covid-19 vaccines contain non-replicating molecules that provoke your body into producing the spike protein unique to the surface of Covid-19. The mRNA molecule is so fragile that it must be wrapped in a lipid nanoparticle to survive in the body (or even in the vial, hence the onerous refrigeration) long enough to get inside a cell and instruct your cellular machinery to manufacture the spike protein. Your cellular machinery does NOT produce more of the vaccine, unlike a virus. If enough of the mRNA survives long enough to elicit an effective immune response, you gain immunity. Once the mRNA material is spent, spike production ceases. There is no on/off switch that might remain flipped on. The doctor in your video has not "explained it in more detail", he's simply fallen in love with the simplicity of his ignorance. That's an easy and natural thing to do.

Live Vaccine shedding is to Viral Shedding as getting vaccinated is to getting infected.

While there have been instances of people being infected by insufficiently damaged virus-derived vaccines, it's pretty rare. That's also a red-herring in the Covid-19 case, as none of the vaccines developed in the US contain any viral material, nor do they contain any mechanism for replication. The dose of vaccine you get has a very short half life, designed to produce enough of an immune response to protect you from infection before it degrades out of existence. It might be wonderful (there's good reason to be cautious here) to have infectious vaccines that spread amongst the population without producing harmful effects. This ain't that.

There are actual examples of "vaccines" that can be spread by (sexual) contact with others. Florida just released genitally engineered mosquitos to tamp down infestations there, using CRISPR based "Gene Drive". In normal inheritance, a gene in one parent has a 50% chance of appearing in any particular offspring. Gene Drive raises this to 100%. The implication of this is enormous. In a Mendelian world, fatal genetic defects introduced into a species will eventually die out. In a Gene Drive world, the defect spreads until the species dies out.

I've had this discussion with "shed fearing" people before. My general approach has been to explain that, if they're afraid of one particular vector, they should do their ignorance of science justice by being terrified of the thousands of similar "shed vectors" they haven't heard of, but I'd be happy to discuss.

If you're going to be paranoid, do it right.

*Vaccine shedding is the release of live virus variant vaccine material that not only hasn't been damaged enough to prevent infection of the vaccinated, but is able to infect others. I'm not aware of an example of this outside the oral polio vaccine of the 1950s. The holy grail would be a vaccine that causes good and is infectious.


Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

This Dr. explains it in more detail.

Arielle, do you do any investigation of your sources? Or do you just throw in search terms for results you want to see, and then gaily post the first thing that comes up here?

Describing this charlatan as "this doctor" is like introducing Bernie Madoff as "this financier."

Do you not understand that your continual propensity to dump the most egregiously fatuous stuff here indiscriminately has totally shot your credibility? For god's sake, do a bit of research before posting.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Arielle, do you do any investigation of your sources? Or do you just throw in search terms for results you want to see, and then gaily post the first thing that comes up here?

I've asked this at least twice now to no avail.  Research your sources then resource those sources.  Basic research 101.  If I can't substantiate a link or the source it came from as credible, I won't post it.  I gave up trying to explain.  As I said then, most people here see the posts she makes for what they are.  Dangerous.

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12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've asked this at least twice now to no avail.  Research your sources then resource those sources.  Basic research 101.  If I can't substantiate a link or the source it came from as credible, I won't post it.  I gave up trying to explain.  As I said then, most people here see the posts she makes for what they are.  Dangerous.

I want to believe that she's just lazy.

 But posting something from someone who has made a name for himself as an anti-vaxxer advocate (and general all-round nutter) without providing some context -- as though he was merely another medical practitioner with an opinion rather than an activist working hard to sell his view -- is starting to seem disingenuous if not downright dishonest.

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26 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Top poster in this thread .. starting to wonder who she's trying to convince.

Not trying to convince anyone of anything in this particular case. Simply was trying to find the source of the information the Centner Academy was acting on.


I offered no opinion or judgement to the validity of his claims, just put it up as the source for what the school and some other businesses were on about. What you, Rowan and Scylla think my motivation might have been is your deal. It is obvious that anything I say in this forum you are looking as to how you can take offence. Have at it.

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I don't understand why everyone bashing one person for speaking their mind. There is no right or wrong I think. We are dealing with a unknown.

In my country new health care minister supports vaccination because it is our only option and there is no other choice available.

But previous one says it is phase 3 test and not reliable with its current numbers. Economic cost to high, side effects unknown might end up with disaster in long term. It is to much risk to take for temporary rescue.

Both of them right. IMO.

Edited by RunawayBunny
Grammar and clarification.
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As a Brit, I take the attitude that our National Health Service has taken pretty good care of me over the years, and saved my life at least twice, and my local medical practice certainly seem to know what they're doing, so since they've advised me to be vaccinated I have, of course, followed their advice.   

Why wouldn't I?   They have the medical expertise and I don't.    Of course I'll take their advice, in the same way I'll take the professional advice of my lawyer when I need her, or my electrician or plumber or car mechanic.     They're the experts in their fields and I'm not. 

Edited by Innula Zenovka
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2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Not trying to convince anyone of anything in this particular case. Simply was trying to find the source of the information the Centner Academy was acting on.

I had that suspicion, which is why I didn't call you out on it.

2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I offered no opinion or judgement to the validity of his claims, just put it up as the source for what the school and some other businesses were on about.

You have a posting history which leads people to believe you support the claims you bring to the forum. Failure to recognize this erodes people's respect for you.

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3 hours ago, RunawayBunny said:

I don't understand why everyone bashing one person for speaking their mind. There is no right or wrong I think. We are dealing with a unknown.

In my country new health care minister supports vaccination because it is our only option and there is no other choice available.

But previous one says it is phase 3 test and not reliable with its current numbers. Economic cost to high, side effects unknown might end up with disaster in long term. It is to much risk to take for temporary rescue.

Both of them right. IMO.

This is the first time I've called out a Republican on this division they want to create in our country.  Many may be ashamed of Trump and will do or try to find anything to prove Trump or republicans in general were "right" all along.  And, you're right, this isn't about who's right or who's wrong, this is about people and the issue of Covid et al should be a bipartisan issue.

I have not ragged on Republican's here much, Mitch McConell, Republican Congressional Senator, is the one I blamed as even Trump told McConell to get the stimulus DONE several times.  The last time, several weeks before the insurrection at the State Capital, Trump told Mitch McConell one last time to get the stimulus done unless you want to commit party suicide.  Even Trump wasn't as bad a Mitch McConnell has been and we have to deal with Mitch Connell for another four years.  

There is a lot here many of you don't understand about all the division in the U.S. because of some of this "crazy stuff" but some of us who brought things about the U.S. and tried to explain all the crap, in perhaps even just a few short sentences, what was going on here in the USA were replied to on the forum with "we don't care".  So, much of what is going on I don't think many from the outside looking in even have a clue what we have been through in America with our Congress.  Those from the outside looking in still think all the problems were Trump.  That is far, far from the truth.  

And, I hope I don't "bash" anybody, my intention here was not to do that.

Edited by FairreLilette
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10 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:


Please stop going off on your various tangents of dragging Trump and stimulus and other US political crap into this thread.  The conversation that started you up again this time was the article I posted about that school.  There are lots of lunatic conspiracy theory folks out there and not all of them are Trump followers and/or Republicans -- and not all Republicans (or even all Trump followers) are conspiracy lunatics.  Believe me, I've met tons of such lunatics in my many decades of living and they sit all along the entire political spectrum.  Tin foil hats are not politically specific.

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