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If I abandon my (old style) Linden home will I get the land allowance to use on land?

Ivy Kiko

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Basically as the question asks... I currently have a 512sqm Linden home.  I also have a plot of 512sqm land that I am selling, and I would like to use the 1024 sqm tier free land allowance by also abandoning my Linden home and then just buying a 1024 plot... Can I do this, or am I stuck with the Linden home? (unless I downgrade and then renew my premium the next month). As I said, it is not one of the newer ones, but more to the point, I am not really using it, and would prefer the land.

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14 minutes ago, Scarlett Fenutzini said:

Basically as the question asks... I currently have a 512sqm Linden home.  I also have a plot of 512sqm land that I am selling, and I would like to use the 1024 sqm tier free land allowance by also abandoning my Linden home and then just buying a 1024 plot... Can I do this, or am I stuck with the Linden home? (unless I downgrade and then renew my premium the next month). As I said, it is not one of the newer ones, but more to the point, I am not really using it, and would prefer the land.

Yes if you abandon your 512 Linden home that will free up that land.  So you would have 1024 that you could buy in Mainland instead.

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