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When use LL viewer the distance from behind changes all the time.

I have try set "disable camera constraint" but that do not make any difference.

Walking in a place with things/walls all over the place is a hell!

Distance change from 5m to 1/2m all the time.

Walking in my forrest nearly make me sea sick.

Sure i can use FS but in some cases LL viewer is best for pics.

So, anyone know where to change it?

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Somebody may be able to list the commonly adjusted settings, but to get some idea of the scope of camera-related settings, search the Debug Settings wiki page for "camera".

In case you want to experiment with these on your own, if you aren't already versed in using debug settings, Me/Preferences/Advanced /"Show Advanced Menu", then Advanced/"Show Debug Settings" and again search for "camera".

Also, there are scripted tools for managing the script-controlled camera view. You mentioned "pics" and SL photographers (among others) often use some of these camera scripts. There should be some open source freebies on the Marketplace as samples of what's possible.

Edited by Qie Niangao
(duh: "view" not "viewer")
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The Firestorm setting "Allow the camera to move without constraints through prims" is tied to the debug setting "FSIgnoreSimulatorCameraConstraints". Given the FS prefix to the debug setting name, this would appear to be a Firestorm-only feature.

P.S. When I did try it out a while back, I found it even more annoying than having the camera move out of the way of objects automatically.

Edited by KT Kingsley
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Thanks for  answers.

I have look at Debug settings but have not find any useful yet.

What i mean by take pics is that when i found a place and want to zoom out a bit , I can't.

only way is to klick on "upper,lower,left or right" to be able to zoom and get foreground items.

FS only have a distance limitation that i can override if i need in same way.

But most irritating is it when i walk around.

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On 2/22/2021 at 7:33 AM, TalentBoy said:

Sure i can use FS but in some cases LL viewer is best for pics.

Since when? O.o

Lately I find myself using Singularity (latest nightly beta 8419) more than Firestorm, and I am quite familiar with the limitations of the official viewer. Singularity takes great pictures.

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1 hour ago, TalentBoy said:

What i mean by take pics is that when i found a place and want to zoom out a bit , I can't.

only way is to klick on "upper,lower,left or right" to be able to zoom and get foreground items.

Just making sure: You're not still using the on-screen camera control floater, are you? If so, spend a while with it closed, instead forcing yourself to pan and zoom with only the camera Keyboard Controls. That won't solve the problem of the cam jumping around as the avatar walks, but I can't imagine managing the cam any other way.

I mentioned scripts of possible use for photographers. Here's one freebie on Marketplace that looks promising (although I've not used it myself). It isn't really relevant to your question, though. For that, I was thinking of the old freebie script Torley distributed long ago;  perhaps a better source is Dan Linden's "Follow Cam" on the wiki. It's been the basis of many vehicle camera control scripts, but should work fine in an attachment (a HUD, say, that's all one button).

Kinda off-topic: Perhaps the main reason I always "Disable camera constraints" (in any viewer) is so I can pull the cam point-of-view underground.

[ETA: Hey!  Where is @Penny Patton?  She knows this stuff inside out, has examples and tutorials and all you could ever imagine that will help with camera stuff.]

Edited by Qie Niangao
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Here's the tutorial on how to set up my personal camera settings. In my experience this cuts down a lot of the camera/wall/ceiling conflict issues simply by moving the camera lower and closer to your avatar. I based it off the common camera placement found in most modern third person videogames. YMMV of course.

If poking debug settings isn't your thing I do have a scripted camera HUD on the marketplace. It's free.

ETA: I created a request on the Firestorm Jira for them to include these camera settings as a preset, you can support it here: https://jira.firestormviewer.org/browse/FIRE-30781?filter=-2

Edited by Penny Patton
ETA Firestorm Jira Link
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