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How do I use Fancy Decor gift card? - SOLVED


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Hi everyone,

I recently picked up the L$500 gift card at Fancy Decor, and I just tried to use it at the store.  According to the instructions on Fancy Decor's help pages, I should add the gift card to my avatar, and it will appear on screen - but when I try doing this it doesn't appear.  When I added the gift card to my avi there was a message in local chat saying I need to use a Caspervend vendor to use the gift card balance, but when I try to buy items using the gift card balance I just get a pop up telling me to click on the gift card on screen - but I can't see it!  Can anyone help?  Thanks! 🙂

Edited by LunaThyme
I'm an idiot....
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  • LunaThyme changed the title to How do I use Fancy Decor gift card? - SOLVED

When I put it on, it appeared in the button left-hand corner of my screen. Is it possible it went off-screen for you? Maybe try wearing it, and then right click on it in your inventory and choosing edit to see where it is on your screen. You may have to pull it back into view.

If after that you can then see it, touch something in Fancy Decor you want to buy and it will appear on your card and a button will show saying "Buy Now" or something like that. Press that and viola!

I hope this helps! Have fun shopping!

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