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Why is the sim I live on constantly restarting???

Ciera Richez

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I have a parcel of land through Zoha Islands. Ever since Thursday, the sim has been restarted numerous times, at least twice a day. I've already contacted Zoha Islands support staff, and they say it's not them requesting these restarts.

Linden Labs, I don't know what you're doing, but I don't pay you for a Premium account for you to constantly boot me from my home every day for no apparent reason...unless you have a reason you can give me. Please fix it!!!

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15 minutes ago, Ciera Richez said:

I have a parcel of land through Zoha Islands. Ever since Thursday, the sim has been restarted numerous times, at least twice a day. I've already contacted Zoha Islands support staff, and they say it's not them requesting these restarts.

Linden Labs, I don't know what you're doing, but I don't pay you for a Premium account for you to constantly boot me from my home every day for no apparent reason...unless you have a reason you can give me. Please fix it!!!

You are not talking to LL here -- just other Residents like you.  

Your Premium membership doesn't have anything to do with whether or not your home region gets restarted and doesn't offer you any special privileges along that line.

If you want to complain to LL, open a Support ticket or use Live Chat:

Create a Support Ticket:  

Start Live Chat: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
  Live Chat is available 9am to 5 pm EST (6am to 2pm PST) every day.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 minute ago, Ciera Richez said:

I have a parcel of land through Zoha Islands. Ever since Thursday, the sim has been restarted numerous times, at least twice a day. I've already contacted Zoha Islands support staff, and they say it's not them requesting these restarts.

Linden Labs, I don't know what you're doing, but I don't pay you for a Premium account for you to constantly boot me from my home every day for no apparent reason...unless you have a reason you can give me. Please fix it!!!

Firstly, you are only talking to residents like yourself here.  

The company I rented from had a self serve restart kiosk.  Does yours?  If so, perhaps it is someone else on the region restarting it.  I know a few companies have restart kiosk so regions can be restarted if no employee is online.

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2 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

...Lifts the lid of her Grid Crash Protection Box.

Oh, THAT sounds like a recipe for disaster...

...slams the lid back down.

I rented from them for years and it was never really an issue on the regions I rented.  It was nice to have it available if needed.  I'd ask people who were on my region if they were having issues first before restarting.  They would do the same.  I guess I've been lucky to have good neighbors over the years.

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

I rented from them for years and it was never really an issue on the regions I rented.  It was nice to have it available if needed.  I'd ask people who were on my region if they were having issues first before restarting.  They would do the same.  I guess I've been lucky to have good neighbors over the years.

It takes only one delusional tenant, thinking that a region restart will fix all their lag problems...

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