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Lost inventory items several times over the last 2 weeks.

Hazey Heartsong

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I have had to delete my inv.gv file out of windows several times over the last two weeks to get my inventory back. I know how to get it back the question is .. how do I stop this from happening. It's constant.. I don't' want to stop everything I'm doing to fix this all the time. I'm not sure why it's happening or what changed but something weird is going on. Help please?

Hazey Heartsong

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7 answers to this question

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Have a good look at your Internet connection.  Your inventory is on SL servers (actually AWS servers in the cloud). When you log in or attempt to add or remove something from inventory, your viewer requests an update from the servers, which download a copy to your computer.  The copy is what's in that inv.gv file.  If the download is corrupted, you'll get a bad copy.  That could happen for several reasons, most commonly loss of data packets en route.  Look in your statistics monitor (CTRL + SHIFT + 1) to see what your Packet Loss is.  It should typically be 0.1% or lower.  If it's significantly higher, you may have a problem.  Try rebooting both your router and your modem as a first step, and try to avoid using a wireless connection if possible.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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I'm having the same issue. Clearing my inventory cache and reloading at like hippo hollow helps? But its still INSANELY friggin inconvenient. Ive NEVER had this problem before and now every few days I have it. No issues what-so-ever with anyone else using their account from the same PC. 

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Well, I checked my packet loss (CTRL +SHIFT +1 does not bring up the command to do this btw).. anyway here are the results.. I do NOT believe it's my internet causing the problem..

 Packets: Sent = 25, Received = 25, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

There is a problem with SL or with Firestorm or with both.

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17 minutes ago, Hazey Heartsong said:

Well, I checked my packet loss (CTRL +SHIFT +1 does not bring up the command to do this btw).. anyway here are the results.. I do NOT believe it's my internet causing the problem..

 Packets: Sent = 25, Received = 25, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

There is a problem with SL or with Firestorm or with both

If it were a major problem with either, there would be more people here complaining about it.  What is your ping to region?  Have you tried rebooting your modem?  


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