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Looking for a job that does not require showing my body off to others!


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Yikes! this might be hard indeed cause most of the popular jobs I have seen are... being a dj, a stripper, a dancer, and a host! I do have second life experience, this is my new account. I'm willing to work at a job that does not require showing my body because I don't like that! I hope you can understand and I'm willing to work hard to help promote our service 

Edited by Zaideaa
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  • Zaideaa changed the title to Looking for a job that does not require showing my body off to others!

Give music venues another look, if you TP around to different ones they often have signs where you can click and apply for a job, and they won't all require you to dress in a provocative way to be a host. I see hosts wearing all sorts of different things, maybe it depends on the style of music too.

Also, you might get more attention to your post if you put it in the Inworld Employment section of the forum.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! HEXED Dance Club is hiring for hosts! We're a pretty close group of friends, and would love to expand more ❤️ You can dress however you would like, there is no official dress code, you could come in pajamas for all we care. ^^

Stop by inworld to check us out! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Enchanted Land/218/184/3000 Or you can apply here: https://forms.gle/TShwHwAx7oFecqw16 Thanks ❤️

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  • 2 months later...
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