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High Voltage Is Hiring!!!

Crimson Cloud

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High Voltage Inc has been established in the virtual world since 2007. We have ventured from Second Life into other virtual online grids and back. We offer a wide arrangement of services to the people of Second Life. Currently we are split into three sub-sections. High Voltage Software, High Voltage Estate, and soon to come High Voltage Gaming. This post is outlining the open positions within the Inc. Please take a moment and read each description as it will help you understand the position. We will conduct an In-Person interview. We typically use text but we are open to voice as well, to offer that personal experience. 

  • Leasing Manager - This position is for the estate company. The position will be in charge of hiring and managing the leasing staff, preforming weekly task and composing weekly reports.
    • A requirement of 4 weeks min is required to be done as a leasing agent to be able to confidently know what your staff will go through on a daily basis prior to taking over the manager position
    •  Land and Estate Knowledge required. 


  • Leasing Agents - This position is for the estate company. The position is in charge of customer service and helping the people of Second Life rent land. 
    •  Some land and estate Knowledge needed.


  • Mesh Designer - On Demand Position - This position is not a full time position as we only have semi - frequent mesh request.


  • Texture Designer - On Demand Position  - This position is not a full time position as we only have semi - frequent texture request.



Please respond to this post and we will contact you via in-world IM. Directly messaging us inworld will be lost as we are typically online 24/7 and not at the pc. 


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