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my friends hands disappeared and other issues


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My friend's slink hands suddenly disappeared but she said that everything is still equipped. Her hands are not alpha'd out. She tried changing outfits and she still had no hands. She was having trouble changing outfits also and saying that when she relogged she couldn't unequip or equip anything. When she switched outfits it randomly put a skirt on her that was never on the outfit she changed to.

She has her old avatar on now that she was wearing when her hands disappeared but she unpacked a new body completely and it still had no hands.

She tried searching slink hands to see if they were separate and there wasn't anything in her inventory or in the new body she unpacked.

She already cleared her cache twice.

Any advice pls?

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This is the type of problem where it is best if your friend comes on and asks for help.

Slink hands visibility is controlled differently depending on which Slink body she is using, model and version and whether or not the asymetery harness is in use.

In some models the hands are detachable. In others they are part of the body. So there are very different causes possible for hands disappearing.

Have her come in and ask.

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