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Castillione's Rentals! - Starting at 75L$/week 50 prims!

Natsumi Moonshadow

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Please let me introduce myself, Name's Rimia, Owner of Castillione's Rentals, to tell you that on our soon to be opening of our plaza

We inform you that our Stores are at a convinient price of 150/Prims on 250 L$ week, thats right!

It is located near our headquarters at Castillione's Plaza on Satori's Route 8C!


ALso, Kiryu's apartments fer rent! at convinient price of 75L$/50 prims on a mountain side apartment complex, next to the road! at corsica!

Question?, please let me know in world!

Also on Discord 

@ Rimia#3244

We look forward having you as part of our tenants out here! ❤️


Castillione's Rentals "The land of your dreams, one step away"

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