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The Narrative Thread

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Post your new single-post vignettes, short stories, or other composed prose works here. Let's keep it about the now, no re-runs.


"And now for the final peril of this quest you've been on. Beyond that field of mythical beasts lies your old life restored. You've endured the quest and the reward is just beyond yonder gate. All you need to do is stay on the narrow path across. Time will resume, and you will escape this timeless realm. The magic will depart, restore your old human life, leave you with colorful dreams and vague feelings of wonder at your blessed life."

The adventurer nods, considering the explanation carefully.  In exchange for everything they had gained they might recover all they had lost. They thank the chimera and turn to face destiny. Taking one step out upon the path, it feels so natural now, these hooves. The other creatures watch curiously, dragons, gryphons, birds of all sizes and variety, and snakes. Older stranger things, natural things often known but not seen. Winged quadrapeds and sphinxes and chimeras of all varieties had turned out to watch. The field of beings seemed to recede to the horizon, all watching.

Standing on path back to Terran mundanity, they look around and are hit with a momentary flash of confusion. Where did they think they were going again? They were already home. It was nice to be home, they had nowhere else to be. They stepped off the path and it disappeared from sight and mind, leaving the rest.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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