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HI i have a problems saving default pose from edit mode Ctrl A is not working for me after editing bone positions in edit mode


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Hi everyone I hope you are all well different group for a change.  I switched to blender  2.92.1 to use rigify and it was fabulous but i managed to get myself stuck.

I found that editing in the Pose creation tool was good but not as precise with hard angle manipulation as edit mode . I created my skeleton from rigify and got it looking quite good i created the weighting and my wings did not move so went back to previous mesh and edited bones positions  in edit mode. Now I have read everywhere you can save bones poses by Ctr+A but this appears to do nothing perhaps i am using it wrong giggles. Now i have had to remove my default poses from the pose library and the pose and object  tabs and screens show the mesh in the wrong position how do i set my bones in edit mode to be the default pose Please as I am stuck


Thank s for looking Denise

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