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Creating a Custom Texture Mod for the [M.O.R.] Kitsune Tails

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Hello, everyone!  I am new to creating custom textures and using mod kit texture files to customize items made by other creators.  I use Adobe Photoshop and am attempting to put together a .tga file that I can upload to Second Life and use as a color texture applier for the [M.O.R.] Kitsune Tails.  These are the files that were included in the mod kit:




I have saved the shader with the alpha included as a .tga file (.png version shown here due to forum upload restrictions) and the others as .png files.  I created a .psd document with all three layers, but I'm not sure if I have the shaders set up properly to work with the alpha channels.  I am also not sure where or how to apply the custom color layer.  I have watched a few generic tutorials on creating .tga files, but in this case I am lost.  The following are screenshots of what I have set up currently:



I would appreciate any insight anyone can give me, because this is all very confusing to me.  Thank you in advance!

Sumairu Yokoshima a.k.a. Suma

Edited by ManekiNeko2017
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Well, in a way asking 'How do I make a mod' is like asking 'how do I paint a painting', it really depends on what modification you're trying to make. If I might clear up one misunderstanding you seem to have, in SL you can't upload a PSD or TGA files. the only kinds of textures you can upload are Jpg format, or image files that your viewer converts to jpg before upload. if all you want to do is have a tail with a different color, then you just have to use Photoshop, or whatever other image program of your choice to change your tail texture (the second one you showed) to be whatever color you want, export it to jpg, then upload it. the first image, often called a 'template' is just a guide to show how your texture maps onto the tail. for something this simple it might not make sense to even reference it as you make your mod, other than to realize that the right half of your texture will become the tip of your tail.

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Oh, I see.  That is odd, because I'm pretty sure I uploaded a .tga tattoo texture for the CATWA head not too long ago using similar methods.  I updated my description above, but yes, I am just looking to create a custom color texture.  So maybe I just need to keep things as they are and place a color layer over the no-alpha fur texture?

Edited by ManekiNeko2017
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you could place a color layer over it, but if you're going to do that, you might as well just use the tinting options directly available in SL assuming the tail is MOD. depending on how the PSD is designed, there might be a layer that is just a flat color that you can change to modify the color which might have better results. A lot of mod kits I've seen (and I'm not really a modder myself so I've not looked at a whole lot of them) have a base color layer, and then different shadows and highlights on top of it that make it look 3 dimensional.

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The tails are directly modifiable in Second Life, but what I'm trying to do goes beyond just tinting the color, because the texture I want to create will have a base tail color and then a different color for the tail tips.  Photoshop does have a "Color Overlay" option in  the layer effects that could prove useful, and that sounds similar to what you're suggesting.  I might create two separate overlays, save and upload the file to see what the result will look like.  Anyway, thank you for input, Quitessa 🙂  



I just remembered that Photoshop also has a "Gradient Overlay" option that can be customized.  I'll might try that first.

Edited by ManekiNeko2017
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