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Bahari Restaurant - Wait Staff Application

Alora Taurus

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💥Presented as a part of Azulor Resort, Bahari Restaurant will be open during times that the resort is not, as a standalone restaurant.  To fit in theme with the resort, this is a futuristic, sci-fi, underwater resort for ADULTS only.💥

As we are nearly ready to begin booking for Bahari, we are seeking excellent role-players who are interested in working as dedicated wait staff.

Because this is an adult-only restaurant at an adult-only resort, adult scenarios are possible.  Staff may participate in these types of scenarios but are NOT required to, based on preferences indicated in their application.

🤑🤑This is a PAID position, with wait staff being paid per table worked.  This will allow staff to maintain a certain control of their salary based on their availability, willingness and ability to work when needed.

Applicants that catch our interest will be contacted within seven (7) days to schedule an interview.‼️‼️

View Application here:

💻 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xtSU9TY9UNa72wtkpYRQkFvXg3aaOjOBKDmHcDVBd9o/edit 💻


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