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Demo I can not seem to find ... help!

Ginger Blackwood

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So I have just noticed a weird "Demo" stamp on my eyelids. Not sure why it's there and have checked my "worn" list and I have nothing with DEMO in it's name. Anyone identify where this is coming from? I think it has something to do with the wing eyeliner maybe??



Edited by Tiffany Littlepaws
modified to add specifics
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Catwa CSR here :)

You've applied a demo item - either to your head's upper or lower layer. Add your Catwa HUD Master from the Kathy folder, go into the 3rd tab from the top (Eyes.Brows.Neck Tattoo), and - under the Eyes Makeup section, first check the LOWER box and click the CLEAR button, then click the UPPER box and click CLEAR again, as shown below:


You will find that your eyeliner may disappear after this, so try re-applying it after that. If the DEMO word appears again, then your eyeliner is either a free demo version, or (if you bought the full priced version) the creator may have accidentally used the demo texture instead of the non-demo texture on the applier HUD.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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