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natsumi Latour

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First.) HUD system for "SWITCHING CAMERA VIEW", from the first driver person to second driver person and to another one which is the third driver to another another one which is the fourth driver person and so on... More likely with a count of 14 to 16 drivers people.
Second.) If I switch my camera view to the first driver person to another person which is the second driver and to another another person which is the third driver and so on... I want each drivers picture to show as I click on the switch the camera view.


Contact me in-world, Natsumi Latour . So that we can discuss it there more detailed. Also to show you the HUD that is already made, so it only need the script.

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It sounds like you want to use an HUD to make your camera follow someone else or something someone else is sitting on and they/those are moving.

This is not possible in SL with a one-time execution of llSetCameraParams().

Only following yourself can be done with a one-time execution of llSetCameraParams().

Many have asked for new camera params to allow auto-follow of objects or agents, particularly a target key input.

The alternative is to execute llSetCameraParams() on a fast timer, but it looks horrible and choppy.

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Well, 'horrible and choppy' is relative. if you set the camera params once per frame or so, (llSetTimerEvent(0.022)) it looks okish to me, but I'm rather used to low framerates and such.

Also of note. If you want to follow an object smoothly, you can do that easily by ctrl-alt clicking and panning around the moving object, the problem is for fast moving things it can be hard to get them in close enough view to do that before they zoom away.

Edited by Quistessa
added ctrl-alt tip.
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