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[T² Photography] Looking for Clients

Krash Nova

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T² Photography is open for business and looking for more clients. All photographs are done with unique backdrops and poses created or purchased for that specific photo. We may not be the most inexpensive, but we deliver with strong customer service, and a high quality finished product.

Our Portfolio Flickr

[Single Photo Rates]
Individual Photo - 650L/Each. 
Couples Photo - 750L/Each
Adult/Mature Photo - 850L/Each
[Multi-Photo Pricing available on request]

T² Photography prides itself on making sure the client is happy above all else. If a photograph ends up not looking quite the way you wish for it to, simply say so and either a second photo-shoot can be arranged or a refund can be given. Please allow for approximately 20 minutes per photo shoot, as we don't tend to rush our work, wanting it to be as high quality as it can be. If you have any issues with your purchase please contact krash.nova in world for support. We welcome all clients, and all styles of photographs, as long as they fall into the guidelines of Second Life TOS.

Examples of our work;

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