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Getting "Graphics card out of date" error

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I've seen other posts about this (all several years old) but they all seemed to be caused by older computers that can barely run SL. This is not my case. I have a 3 month old Asus ROG Strix I7 with 16G Ram and a GeForce RTX2060 graphics card, along with Intel UHD graphics. This thing runs on ultra settings with almost no lag. Anyway, starting a couple of hours ago I get this message if I try to use Firestorm or the Second Life viewer:

"Firestorm is unable to run because your video card drivers did not install properly, are out of date, or are for unsupported hardware. Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers and even if you do have the latest, try reinstalling them.

If you continue to receive this message please contact the Second Life support portal."

Now we all know that non premium members get zero support from LL so I'm hoping someone here might have an answer. I googled it the first time it happened, then made sure my drivers were up to date (they are), then I tried to reinstall them manually but that didn't work. So I uninstalled the Intel drivers, restarted my computer, and it worked. I figured that the driver somehow got messed up and all was good. But the next time I tried to load Second Life, it happened again. This time uninstalling and reinstalling the Intel driver didn't work so I tried the NVidia driver and that fixed it. Then it was fine... until the next time I tried to log in when it happened again. Has anyone run into this before and can point me in the right direction?

Edited by Wolfen Greggan
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