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Latest Round Of Last Names

Cindy Evanier

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Oh my word, so many fun possibilities with these!

 Florida Orlando
Traveling Incognito
Orion Nebula, Crab Nebula, on and on and on...
GetInYour Knickers
Navel Aviator (yes, spelled just like that!)
Hunny Bunny, Bugs Bunny
Amour Amore
Suzuki Suki
Milo de Venus
Footloose Caboose
Linden Dakota (how did Dakota Linden ever allow this one to get on the list??) or if they won't allow the name Linden, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Edited by Lindal Kidd
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16 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Oh my word, so many fun possibilities with these!

 Florida Orlando
Traveling Incognito
Orion Nebula, Crab Nebula, on and on and on...
GetInYour Knickers
Navel Aviator (yes, spelled just like that!)
Hunny Bunny, Bugs Bunny
Amour Amore
Suzuki Suki
Milo de Venus
Footloose Caboose
Linden Dakota (how did Dakota Linden ever allow this one to get on the list??) or if they won't allow the name Linden, North Dakota and South Dakota.

I would say @nal Aviator but that might be wandering too far into the realms of the adult side of SL xD

Edited by ItHadToComeToThis
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4 hours ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

Drippy Kn.....

   I was thinking whether to go for 'Soggy', 'Twisted', or 'Moist' ...

   Also, is it possible to pick the first name 'Linden'? If so, one could create @Dakota Linden's alter ego, Linden Dakota! 

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21 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Linden Dakota (how did Dakota Linden ever allow this one to get on the list??)


26 minutes ago, Orwar said:

Also, is it possible to pick the first name 'Linden'? If so, one could create @Dakota Linden's alter ego, Linden Dakota! 


I tried Linden as a first name with many of various last names, including Dakota, and it keeps telling me the name is not available.  Using the legacy People search in Firestorm (which is not broken like the web search), I cannot find anyone with the first name of Linden.  Thus my guess is that Linden is not allowed as a first name -- which makes total sense, really.


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