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Custom Mesh Buildings / Backdrop needed for a long term project.


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I'm looking for a long term mesher that can make high quality, full perm / sellable mesh based off of photos / ideas me and my business partner have. Pricing and timelines can be discussed at a later date, but I am looking for something high quality. (Think of Varonis, Anxiety, Soy, Taro in terms of quality.) 


We would expect all meshing & texturing to be done by you, along with any scripting needed for doors / windows. Our main theme is going to be cyberpunk / japanese themed, and maybe some other themes depending on what ideas we have down the road. 


Please reply to this or message me inworld at Heavenlypeach to discuss terms of employment, piricing, timelines, and please contact me with a portfolio of your work if available.


If there are any further questions or anything you may need me to elaborate on, please feel free to reply to this or send them to me in world! Thank you. 

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