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Second Life Viewer Error


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I downloaded SL today and it gives me an error message when I log out it says:


"SecondLifeViewer.exe - System error

Code execution cannot continue because libhunspell.dll was not found. This problem can be solved by reinstalling the program."

I already deleted the program and installed it back again, at first it allows me to play normally but when I log out, close the app and try to open it back again it gives me the same message.

Help, please🥺


Best regards,


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Snooping around historical posts that mention the libhunspell.dll file turned up this one, which might be a clue. Any chance you're running a copy of the SL viewer from outside its install directory? Like, instead of using a shortcut with "Start in:" set to that directory (usually "C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer")? Or could that file somehow actually be missing from that directory after you run the viewer? (I have no idea how that could happen, but maybe you do?)

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