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Fritigern Gothly

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SHAMELESS is immediately looking for DJs, hosts, and dancers.
We offer 100% tips for all of our staff. Whether you are DJ, host, or dancer, you get to keep the entirety of your tips.
You do not need to have experience, just passion, enthusiasm and a sense of pride in your job are enough. 

  • For DJs, we are looking for people that like to play their own music. You can bring your own stream or you can use ours.
  • Hosts are expected to be responsible for the promotion of the events that their shift will be on. 
  • Dancers are expected to look their best and interact with our visitors and help keep conversations going.

You can find SHAMELESS at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizons%20Ariel/20/147/2002 so stop by at our club and pick up an application.
You can find one application dispenser near the landing point and one by the DJ stage. 

But what makes SHAMELESS different from all the other places?
SHAMELESSS is an adult dance club where self-expression sits at the core of our philosophy. Clothing is strictly optional and this goes for our both our visitors and our staff. The idea is for everyone to feel like they can be 100% themselves regardless of gender, species or kink.
Built and decorated with the 80s in mind, we try to offer a modern setting with an 80s feel without making it feel out of place in 2021 and when no DJ is playing, our stream is tuned to an 80s stream which plays all the stuff you have never heard before. Come, see and hear what we mean by that.

Again, the you can find us at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizons%20Ariel/20/147/2002

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