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"Alpha Blende" Mode is darken the color


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I noticed that switching to "Alpha Blend" mode will darken the color.
Is there an way to avoid the darkening effect?

Alpha blend is important to my product. Alpha mask isn't an option!

On the screenshot, on the left side, you can see that the light situation is affecting the mesh toes a lot.
On the left side, there was almost no light source in the room.


Screenshot 2021-02-06 145922.jpg

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Projection lighting causes rigged mesh with alpha blended textures to either glow or darken. It was quite common to see avatars with neck blenders in clubs for a while. They likely had advanced lighting turned off and believed that the neck blender was actually helping, but anyone with advanced lighting enabled could see a dark or glowing neck line.

What you want to do to avoid this is make your product into a system tattoo layer. Yes, this means you need to use Bakes On Mesh and avoid mesh body appliers for skins and layers. It's yet one more reason that applier-based skins are mostly obsolete. 

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Thank you for this quick respond.

Very important to understand is, that I made a mesh, which overlays the original toes.
So, the texture is not on the mesh body but on my original mesh.

I'm very new to BoM and I would need a tutorial for this.

I've read the BoM Doc from LL, but couldn't get smarter afterwards. :)

Do you know any good (video) tutorial for creators?


Edited by PureRich
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41 minutes ago, PureRich said:

Thank you for this quick respond.

Very important to understand is, that I made a mesh, which overlays the original toes.
So, the texture is not on the mesh body but on my original mesh.

I'm very new to BoM and I would need a tutorial for this.

I've read the BoM Doc from LL, but couldn't get smarter afterwards. :)

Do you know any good (video) tutorial for creators?


Well, that may make things more complicated. I'm going to make an educated guess that you made a custom UV map for your rigged mesh? This is understandable considering how toes have no standard UV layout at all on the avatar, and blending skin textures around the toes for different bodies is quite difficult. I'm beginning to see why you would want to do this. My first post assumed you made something based on the SL UV map, but if this is not the case, things are back at square one.

Oh and the BoM thing... think of it like a mesh body or head, but with a special texture ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Internal_Textures ) that tells the viewer to use the system skin and all its 'baked' layers. And it automatically hides the corresponding section of the system avatar's mesh.

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