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Learning to Animate, Shoulders issue

RavenSkye Waverider

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I am using Poser 11 currently, just to learn how animation is with bento. So, everything Is great except one area... shoulders. I know there is the upper arm (shoulder bone) and the collar bone. How the heck, do you animation shoulders for like if you need your arms raised without them tweeking out? I have done this is so many ways that I'm going to end up pulling out my hair over it.


Any suggestions on how shoulders should work out? it's either they look dislocated, they have a HUGE dip in it, or there's a large lump and part of the back (shoulder blades) tends to crush itself in. I been going at this for days lol

Any idea, would be great, its the only thing I can't get past

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Hi Raven,


I'm learning to animate too at the moment, but I'm using Blender with the paid plugin called Avastar (~$40).

To 'lock' the collar bone in place on Avastar, you can remoe the collar bone from the 'bone chain' (so changing the length of the 'targetless IK chain'), which is done (in blender-avastar) in the 'IK chain controller panel'. I know you  are using Poser 11, but perhaps there is a similar panel in that software?

The method to reduce the chain length in Avastar is described on their tutorial page: https://avastar.machinimatrix.org/280/reference/usermanual/pose-a-character/

Essentially you click on the end bone (the wrist), and then in the IK Chan controller panel you click 'Less', and it changes the beginning chain (eg for the right arm) from 'CollarRight' to 'ShoulderRight'.


Hopefully this might help you!


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