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Why is the Arabic language not supported?


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Perhaps you could create your own viewer in the language you want?.. or ask (for example) a team as Firestorm or other 3rd party viewer for adding the choice of language?
If you have a suggestion for LL, you can file a jira with your request, they made already several languages available, they might think about it.

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Thanks for the response and clarification, but what I mean is that when I write in Arabic the letters are inverted and not interconnected because there is a correlation in the words of the Arabic language, unlike the English language, which consists of letters stacked next to each other.
Also, I think all viewers do not support Arabic

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As a person who is actually involved in translating Firestorm viewer into Polish language and quite often does check / correct JIRA submissions of other people in this field (French, Japanese, Russian etc.) I can tell you right away, that being a translator is a significant commitment - it's very hard to find a person who is truly dedicated and also does posses knowledge good enough to do the actual translation part; Google Translate is helpful sometimes, but it will not do the whole job. You can take a look at the very basic outlines by visiting this page. If there would be some brave adventurer out there who would like to put a lot of work, time and effort into the project /and keep going/ then they would be more than welcome on the FS JIRA. I'm not an expert in Arabic language, but if you ask for RTL support (right-to-left) then I'm not sure if viewer would support this natively - I've actually never had an occasion to test it.

Edited by panterapolnocy
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2 hours ago, panterapolnocy said:

if you ask for RTL support (right-to-left) then I'm not sure if viewer would support this natively

this was my first thought as well

i dunno either. If the viewer doesn't then would most likely need a pretty big effort to redesign the viewer dialogs to accommodate this

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On 2/4/2021 at 3:25 AM, panterapolnocy said:

I'm not an expert in Arabic language, but if you ask for RTL support (right-to-left) then I'm not sure if viewer would support this natively

Unfortunately, this is the biggest reason. The user interface system in the viewer does not currently support right-to-left text.

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