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TASKFORCE - Teaser #1

Burnha Firehawk

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Hullo! Some fellas might remember my trailer for TASKFORCE 2020 that was featured way back in September. Slowly but surely, I've still been working on it, now making it a multi-media machinima project in both SL and my own game, Nebulous! So, here's a scene showcasing both!


Edited by Burnha Firehawk
Wrong date!
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Looks interesting. I am guessing exterior shots are done outside of SL and interiors will be done in SL is that right? I am also working on a little project that will utilize SL for most shots but some exterior shots of spaceships will be done using Kerbal Space Program

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On 2/5/2021 at 9:02 PM, DJAlanRocks said:

 I am guessing exterior shots are done outside of SL

Thank you! And yeah! I'm mixing it with my own game, Nebulous, and SL. I feel with like, sci-fi, you just gotta have another medium to actually portray the scale you'd need. Like warships! Also makes it easy for action sequences, if you ask me. 

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