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SL UV Mapping Issue


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So I've been trying other 3d painting programs and decided to give The Foundry's Mari program a try. I import the SL avatar I found in the linden labs avatar bank and the UV maps end up clustered on top of each other. This only happens with the full sets but the upper and lower parts in singularity the maps load fine. I even tried Robin's CS3 Avatars  and it does the same thing. Is there a way to fix this so it can be multi tiled for Mari?




Edited by slumbag
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3 minutes ago, slumbag said:

So I've been trying other 3d painting programs and decided to give The Foundry's Mari program a try. I import the SL avatar I found in the linden labs avatar bank and the UV maps end up clustered on top of each other. This only happens with the full sets but the upper and lower parts in singularity the maps load fine. I even tried Robin's CS3 Avatars  and it does the same thing. Is there a way to fix this so it can be multi tiled for Mari?




Yes, you need to move the body parts uvs by 1 relative tile in one of the 2 positive directions to make it UDIM compatible. This needs to be done in your 3d app of choice before feeding the model to Mari

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11 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

Yes, you need to move the body parts uvs by 1 relative tile in one of the 2 positive directions to make it UDIM compatible. This needs to be done in your 3d app of choice before feeding the model to Mari

How could I do this please?

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4 hours ago, slumbag said:

How could I do this please?

It depends by what software you use, there is a specific tool or method, or even multiple. So in my case, I'm a Maya user, I would select the uvs corresponding to the legs and feet and either use the transform tool in the uv editor to do it in 1 click, specifying the direction I want them to move to, or by moving the selection pivot point to one of the uv area corner and then snap to grid to the next uv quadrants. Either way, the uvs would end up in a dedicated uv space where they occupy the same relative positions, hence preserving the image mapping they had in their original location 

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