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Anyone from Singapore?


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On 2/2/2021 at 9:14 PM, Earthwatervirgo said:

Anyone from Singapore? Am i the only one from Singapore who is still playing SL?

Im here for 5 years and still dint find anyone from my birth place.

U worrying after 3 months bro.😊

They there,try harder.

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On 2/23/2021 at 11:55 AM, rose9991sl said:

i stay in singapore. i play sl a lot but most singaporen player not  online most of the time. pls contact me rose9991sl if you want to chat thanks.

Hey Rose. Great and Thank you for your reply and invite. Let me get in touch with you soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone. I started a group named "ASEAN SL User". The idea for this group is gathering point for all SL user who are native to the countries in ASEAN. You might ask, why create a group like this. Mainly to gather users from this region and to support each other.

One of my biggest issue as a SL user living in this region is time. Number 1, i miss out in all the fun. All the best event as schedule according to the US time. You might say, the shops are still there, you can go shopping yourself.

Number 2, Its lonely walking and shopping in SL by yourself. How i love to have someone from from timezone to be able to chat and go shopping together.

So i hope all user can ASEAN from join my group. Fyi, this group is founder based on LGBTQ friendliness. The only house rule i have for the group now is, that members should at least be birth and raise in ASEAN.

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