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Dont we have a Server Deploy that Week on Main channel?

Miller Thor

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It's remarkable.  Second Life is nearly 20 years old and LL have STILL not learned the value of timely and appropriate communication with their user-base!

The Bug referred to by @Lucia Nightfire above is clearly something that cannot be promoted to Main Server and yet we have not a word on either the lack of a promoted server version to Main Server nor any comment as to what will happen with the RC channels this week.  It is disappointing.

ETA Tuesday 2nd 3:30PDT: Well the GSP tells us that there WILL be a roll to the RC channels tomorrow ( Wednesday 3rd) but still no info as to WHAT it will be...no doubt all will be revealed in the fullness of time!

Meanwhile my region (Woods of Heaven) has been running 14 days with no apparent issues and NO restarts.

Edited by Aishagain
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No "suppose" here, the game-breaker wasn't the only issue!

Oh and FWIW, if your region has been running, as mine had been, for over 14 days without a restart, check your packet-loss on that region.  AWS servers are better than the old data centre ones but they still get claggy!  Now we can restart our own regions again, it's worth doing.

Edited by Aishagain
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