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Best Club Donation script recommendations needed ...


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Hi everyone.


I am hoping I can get some recommendations on the best club donation script, that does NOT have hover text, but does notify in Nearby that a donation was received.

Our club "tip jar" is attached to our banker alt that will not be online all the time. We would like to find a script that notifies in Nearby so the guests donating can be properly thanked.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

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If you are looking for a script that already exists, you really should post in the Wanted forum or look in Marketplace or any number of script libraries on line or in world.

If you are hoping to find a scripter willing to write a custom script to meet your needs, you should be posting in the InWorld Employment forum.

If you are a scripter and are looking for guidance about how to write your own script (or a shoulder to cry on when it doesn't work), you've come to the right place.  :)

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