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BDSM Reimagined! Apply for Silence Today!

Kitsune Kiyori

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Are you a Dominant? A Switch? A Submissive? Looking for a home to call your own? Somewhere that you can be your naughty self? Tired of the mundane BDSM clubs? Stop by Silence today and lets shake up the BDSM community together. 

Who can apply? EVERYONE! The only requirements is have a full mesh avatar and ability to hear voice and emote. 

Follow this limo and grab an application. → http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dedicova/134/90/3502


Edited by Kitsune Kiyori
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Not a bot just went and was just updating the older posts with the link to the Facebook application. Those are each for different locations. We host several clubs at FDE that reach to a variety of different communities. I did not want anyone to feel excluded. Henceforth, I posted the update on prior posts. ( I had seen others do similar in posts so I followed suit. I apologize if that is an issue.) If you look at the postings and the dates and times they are all posted at different times for different locations. The first one is for Silence. It is a BDSM club. The second is for a male club and for a genderfluid club called The Fox Den and Utopia. The 3rd is for a text only lounge called Verse. The forth is for a combination of clubs, Silence, Utopia and Verse which are furry friendly clubs open to our wonderful furry community here on SL. The last one was a general all around post. Sorry, for making so many of them but I wanted people to know they were accepted and loved for who they are and that we have a place for them here. You should come by and hang out some time. We would love to have you in. Have an wonderful day. ♥

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