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Smaller feet for Kalhene body - do they exist?


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   My avatar is on the smaller side and the feet are a problem... The problem is the feet are a bit to large even on the smallest possible setting. Are there any deformers I could use or any other preferably BOM friendly small mesh feet that I can use with my Kalhene body? I tried to look on market place but didnt come up with anything. I did find some smaller feet but they were listed as being for photographs and I dont think they would work with my body (unsure), also they came with their own skin hud (no mention of BOM). Does something like this exist? Or am I stuck with slightly too large feet? I love my avatar and am satisfied with her overall look (other than the feet that is) so Im willing to run around with the large feet if I have too (I mean they are usually wearing cute shoes), but Id LOVE to have them smaller if at all possible! Thanks in advance to anyone who takes a moment to answer my question. 

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