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Default state lost.. script no longer responsive after teleport.


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Hello! Randomly after teleportation script losing default state.. and no longer trigger events like CHANGED_OWNER, CHANGED_REGION also its no longer listening... -224.

Script permanently stuck and no longer reacting to events.

This problem happens like 1 in 400 teleports (Based from user feedback I never managed to replicate same problem.)

        llListen(-224, "", llGetOwner(), "");
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        //do things but keep listening
    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
        if (change & CHANGED_REGION)
            llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(7, [PRIM_NAME,"10"]);

My script only have default state there is no additional states.

My questions:

-Is it possible a preassigned variable value revert to NULL (example: llGetOwner()) after teleportation?

-Is it possible to lose listen event after teleportation?

Thank you.

Edited by RunawayBunny
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I forgot to add... this script worked fine until AWS merge / server deploy. It worked like 2-3 years now something seems changed and I am unable to figure out what changed.

Also double checked to be sure my loops does not contain any infinite loop.

Edited by RunawayBunny
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It s because you have changed to a sim flagged "no-script "


- Usually , the listener is recreated in the destination sim after a teleport 

llGetOwner() never gives null . In addition , in doing this hypothesis , your line

llListen(-224, "", llGetOwner(), ""); will become llListen(-224, "", NULL_KEY, "");

and so this listener  will listen everybody ( so the owner too ) 

Edited by Miranda Umino
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5 hours ago, RunawayBunny said:

(Based from user feedback I never managed to replicate same problem.)

If this script is being used by others, it really needs the llTakeControls() trick to stay running on no-script land. (Maybe that's already in the script, just not showing in the snippet.)

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Thanks for all answers figured out what went wrong appears already on bug tracker.

-User forced teleport by security gadget but their home location under restart.. resulting with viewer crash or HUB teleport.. resulting with all scripts permanently change their state "not running".

-User viewer crashes while teleporting all of their current worn scripts no longer functioning.

Feedback from users pointing similar event:


  • Thanks 1
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