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1024 Mod X3 PROTECTED ISLAND in shape of heart 15k firm

Shy Fae

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33 minutes ago, syarbs said:


I think the "market" is trying to tell you something :D.  While that piece is technically "protected" it is a very narrow bit of protection and just water land.   Hopefully you didn't pay 12K for it.   This is not a good selling market but you never know what the future will bring.  I did sell a 512 for 20,000 long long ago. It was protected on one side with full ocean view and (currently then) good looking neighbors.   So maybe the future will hold more opportunities. Good luck.  

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Actually I didn't pay anything for it. It was a gift from my X and my personal land. More than anything I just wanted to abandon it to get it out of my life along with him, but I thought I would put it on the market since that's what I do. If it don't sell soon ok, I'm more into the adult protected land anyways moderate is not my market, but thank you for taking your time to say all that, and I hope the future hold good opportunity for you as well.

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Thanks for answering.  I did have ban lines unchecked, I don't  know why I still see them.  The object is called  "Parcel Borders Object" and you have to derender each little piece.  Weird how people do that, don't see the purpose of that.  It ruins everyone's landscape

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