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issues with bones randomly snapping to other positions

Moonie Ghanduhar

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I have been having this issue the whole day and have not figured out a way to fix this. Please any suggestion would help.

Anytime i insert the keyframes and want to move onto the next frame my pose weirdly changes in a way. Examples below: 

How the pose was done:https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/1ULEz19dxNZgFGQxd0ugaOe2vVC2Y3IVz1AlDNHStF4/https/i.gyazo.com/c6fbc58cc19966cb8ed1eb48b9707a63.png?width=965&height=676

Bones going wonky: https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jIAHXCbgXvUvtrH_uvnc8XlXJwaqPndzb7ka26ErXUM/https/i.gyazo.com/2350787034e68977f678952115202f33.png?width=979&height=676

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