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Living under water, what is your furniture like?

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I know I can have any furniture I wish in underwater rooms. It is not like RL where upholstery and fine paint is ruined.

But I want something more special. Modern, with a bit futuristic style. But not Sci-Fi with neon lights all over. It can have a bit lights, unless they take over the whole look.

I have only three rooms and all are round. I have no special idea what the rooms should be used for. I don't need a kitchen.

I enjoyed setting up the enviroment... but for furniture, I feel lost.

I bought hanging chairs from the gacha here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/01-Culco-Futuristic-House-Chair-Golden-4Li/14042078

so you have an idea of the style I am looking for. The sofa from that set was crap. Sofas and some bar for drinks? Futuristic lights?




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