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Hiring LSL Teacher


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I'm looking for a LSL Scripter to teach me how to code.

I'm a beginner,  I'm familiar with the basics, and I would love to learn more and grow in my skills.

I'm looking for a LSL Scripter with experience, clean, and has fun coding! 

Please contact me In-World my name on there is RilaVirum.

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Before you invest in hiring a teacher, try working your way through some of the basic tutorials at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Tutorials .  That's how a lot of LSL scripters got started.  Then check out free classes at Builders Brewery or NCI or Caledon Oxbridge University.  There are some pretty good ones.  Then just start playing, using some of the simple example scripts in the LSL wki (like the ones at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Examples ), making tiny changes to see what happens.  If you screw up and really can't figure out that went wrong, THEN find a scripter to ask for help, or come here to ask.

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