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Looking for a particle scripter


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Perhaps I was being a bit harsh, but I'm not too empathetic for 7 year old residents who don't at least want to have a basic understanding of the underlying systems that make SL work. Firestorm has a built in particle editor I believe, and the script is noting more than tweaking some numbers, as there are only so many things you can make particles do.

// Jopsy's Particle System Template v4 - Jan 18 2004
// -- inspired/derived from Ama Omega's 3-6-2004
// DEFAULT settings are commented at the end of each line, eg:
// varibletype  SETTINGNAME = Sample-Setting; // default-setting
// For more on particles, visit the Particle Labratory in Teal!
mySetParticles() {
    // Part-1 - APPEARANCE - Settings for how each particle LOOKS
    vector   START_SCALE = < 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 >; // < 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 >
    vector     END_SCALE = < 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 >; // < 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 >
    vector   START_COLOR = < 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 >; // < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
    vector     END_COLOR = < 1, 0.2, 0.0 >; // < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
    float    START_ALPHA = 0.7; // 1.00 
    float      END_ALPHA = 0.0; // 1.00
    integer INTERP_COLOR = TRUE; // FALSE
    integer INTERP_SCALE = TRUE; // FALSE
    integer     EMISSIVE = TRUE; // FALSE 
    string       TEXTURE = ""; // ""
    // START/END: refers to the lifespan of each particle.
    // SCALE: particle height/width, from 0.04 to 10.0. (no depth)
    // ALPHA: sets transparency, from invis = 0.0 to opaque = 1.0
    //       START_ALPHA is ignored if it is less than END_ALPHA
    // COLOR: vectors <Red,Green,Blue>, each 0.00 to 1.00
    // INTERP_COLOR: enables/disables END_COLOR and END_ALPHA
    // INTERP_SCALE: enables/disables END_SCALE 
    // EMISSIVE: enables/diables particle 'glow'
    // TEXTURE: name of a texture in the emitter-prim's inventory 
    //          or the asset id key of any texture
    // Part-2 - FLOW - These settings affect how Many, how Quickly, 
    //                  and for how Long particles are present
    float     AGE = 0.6; // 10.00
    float    RATE = 0.0; // 0.10
    integer COUNT = 1;    // 1
    float    LIFE = 0.0;  // 0.0
    // AGE: How many seconds each particle lives, 0.1 to 60
    // RATE: Seconds between particle bursts, 0.0 to 60
    // COUNT: Number of particles per burst, 1 to 4096
    // LIFE Number of seconds to wait before shutting off 0.1 to 60
    //       0.0 never stops
    // Part-3 - 3    PLACEMENT -- Where are new particles created, and what
    //                     direction  are they facing?
    float      RADIUS = 0.00; // 0.00
    float ANGLE_BEGIN = 0.10; // 0.00
    float   ANGLE_END = 0.10; // 0.00
    vector      OMEGA = < 0.00, 0.01, 1.00 >; // < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 >
    //float  INNERANGLE = 0.00; // 0.00
    //float  OUTERANGLE = 0.00; // 0.00
    // PATTERN: must be set to one of the following:
    //      PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE sends particles in all directions
    //      PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP  ignores minSpeed and maxSpeed.  
    //      PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE use ANGLE settings to make rings/cones
    //      PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE use innerangle/outerangle to make flat
    //      wedges
    // RADIUS: distance between emitter and each new particle,  0.0 to 64?
    // ANGLE_BEGIN: for both ANGLE patterns, 0 to PI(3.14159)
    // ANGLE_END: for both for ANGLE patterns,  0 to PI.
    // OMEGA: How much to rotate the emitter around the <X,Y,Z> axises 
    //         after each burst.  Set OMEGA to all 0's to reset/disable it.
    // INNER/OUTER ANGLE:  Depreciated. Old versions of ANGLE_BEGIN/_END.
    //    Can still be used to make lop-sided angle displays though.

    //  Part-4 - MOVEMENT - How do the particles move once they're created?
    integer      FOLLOW_SRC = FALSE; // FALSE
    integer            WIND = TRUE; // FALSE
    integer          BOUNCE = TRUE; // FALSE 
    float         SPEED_MIN = 0.3; // 1.00
    float         SPEED_MAX = 0.9; // 1.00
    vector            ACCEL = < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 >; // < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 >
    integer      TARGET_POS = FALSE; // FALSE
    key              TARGET = llGetKey(); // llGetKey();
    // FOLLOW_SRC: moves particles when emitter moves. It will disable RADIUS!
    // FOLLOW_VELOCITY:  Particles rotate towards their heading
    // WIND: Sim's Wind will push particles 
    // BOUNCE: Make particles bounce above the Z altitude of emitter
    // SPEED_MIN: 0.01 to ?, slowest speed of new particles, 1.0(*)
    // SPEED_MAX: 0.01 to ?, fastest speed of new particle, 1.0(*)
    //      SPEED_ is ignored for the DROP pattern.
    // ACCEL: a continuous force pushed on particles, 
    //             use SMALL settings for long lived particles
    // TARGET_POS: If FALSE(*), TARGET value is ignored.
    // TARGET: Select a target for particles to arrive at when they die
    //      key TARGET = llGetKey(); // particles return to the emitter
    //      key TARGET = llGetOwner(); // particles home in on owner
    //      You can have another object llSay(999,llGetKey); 
    //      and grab the key with this object by using the listen() 
    //      event handler.
    list particle_parameters = [
                ( EMISSIVE * PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK ) | 
                ( BOUNCE * PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK ) | 
                ( WIND * PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK ) | 
                ( FOLLOW_SRC * PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK ) | 
                ( TARGET_POS * PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK ) ),
            PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, AGE,
            PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, ACCEL,
            PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, OMEGA,
            PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, LIFE,
    llParticleSystem( particle_parameters ); // Turns on the particle hose!

    state_entry() {
        // llSetTimerEvent(60); // uncomment to set auto-off for 60 seconds
    touch(integer i) {
        mySetParticles(); // touch to reset/turn on the particles
        // llSetTimerEvent(60); // reset the alarm clock

The code above (which I didn't write) quite well explains all the tweakable values.

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38 minutes ago, Quistessa said:

Perhaps I was being a bit harsh, but I'm not too empathetic for 7 year old residents who don't at least want to have a basic understanding of the underlying systems that make SL work

No need for empathy but no need to be condescending either.  I've been here 10+ years and have no clue about scripts nor have I any interest in learning about them.  I know people who have been here even longer that have no knowledge or interest in scripting either.  

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30 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

been here even longer that have no knowledge or interest in scripting either.  

*Raises hand*  Honestly,  I know enough about scripting to do no harm while getting some things done.  But when it comes to particles?   Time consuming piece-oh-poo to work with to get it just right:  I'd rather eat a spider than mess with.  Absolutely you can use a generator to produce one of a few or so generic quickie effects.  And they look great if it goes with one of the similar sized objects producing basic effects. But to really make something unique (beyond just changing the texture)?  One thing I'd throw good money at.  

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