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HELP!!! How da heck do you make a BOM TAT on one arm but not the other??

BrielleEmilia Melodious

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In order to apply a single arm texture (tattoo or other), you have to have a BoM Mesh Body that supports a left arm channel, (LEFT_ARM_BAKED). Most mesh bodies (in my experience but there are likely exceptions) do not have this support because it doesn't automatically show the full body texture if there is no left arm texture. So, almost every skin texture out there would cause your left arm to not have a skin texture (likely appear gray). There are ways around this issue if you do have a mesh body that supports the left arm channel, but most just don't want to deal with it at all; so, most mesh body makers do not support it.

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To answer the question, this is how you make a tattoo for one arm or leg:

  1. Create a new layer from New Clothes > New Universal
  2. Wear it and edit it
  3. Scroll down to the Left Arm/Leg slot

If you want your tattoo to be in the left arm/leg, put it in that slot.
If you want your tattoo to be in the right arm/leg, put it in the Upper/Lower slot instead.


Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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