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Basic Experience Question

Nikole Messmer

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If we have an experience setup on our region for simple things like avsitter and teleporting to various areas of the sim, would that block someone from using individual landmarks to move around the sim? IE: if i'm at building A and want to teleport to building D using a LM in my inventory. Or also in the people menu and I choose "teleport to" someone.

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It's the parcel settings that'll determine what someone can do themselves in the way of TPing around that parcel and an experience won't change that. The script function llTeleportAgent, when it's in an experience-enabled script, can override those parcel settings, so if the parcel is set for TP routing to a landing point the function can be used to TP avatars that are in the experience anywhere in the parcel.

So if you have a free to TP anywhere parcel, enabling an experience and using an experience script to TP avatars to specific locations won't change that.

If the parcel has an enforced landing point, experience scripts can be used to TP them to places other than that landing point but avatars acting on their own will always be routed to the landing point.

Edited by KT Kingsley
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Hmm... well I was thinking that our problem was related to the teleporting system we have set up in experiences, but now maybe it's not. Someone living in the sky can't use a LM to teleport down/elsewhere on the sim. We do have a landing point set but the dropdown for tp routing is set to anywhere. We can't figure out what's blocking it. 

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3 hours ago, Nikole Messmer said:

Someone living in the sky can't use a LM to teleport down/elsewhere on the sim

suggest that you run thru the checks. Like

you try a copy of their LM and see if it works for you. If it does then give them a copy of your copy and see if they can

create a new landmark, both of you try it

have them change to the Linden viewer and try that. If it works for them on Linden viewer and not on their TPV then might be their RLV settings

Edited by Mollymews
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Actually no one is able to, that I am aware of. I even set the land info to wipe out the landing point and chose "anywhere" in the routing dropdown, but still received the same error message of "unable to find a good teleport destination". I did just find a 2008 post similar to this and the response was that there was a problem with the region that LL had to resolve on their end. So it seems I may need to just submit a support request. 

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