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is the Nvidia RTX3070 supported?

morpheus Sion

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i just updated my video card to an RTX 3070 and firestorm and singularity both have issues, citing that either my drivers weren't installed correctly (they were), are out of date (they aren't), or the hardware is unsupported. 

seems kind of ridiculous that the card wouldn't be supported, but, any ideas?

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3 answers to this question

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@morpheus Sion There is file that tells the viewer how to setup for a video card. That file is downloaded from the Lab. If the Lab hasn't updated it you can get the error you saw. The work around is to look in the Firestorm or SL wiki for the command line switch to override the viewer's normal startup video tests.

It is hard to know if you driver reinstall fixed the problem or whether the Lab updated their file while you were reinstalling.

As to whether the viewers support the 3070 or not depends on what you mean by support. SL viewers will run on any video card that can handle the basic rendering functions. SL viewers are not going to use the new features of a 3070... or even the 2070. I'm not sure how much of the 1070 the viewers can actually take advantage of.

People update to a newer video card in the hope of getting better Frame Rates. Faster video card help. But the amount is small. Sansar was started because the SL Viewer's render engine it too old. OpenGL is old and game designers are going to Vulcan. Until the Lab decides to upgrade the render engine, we are not likely to see it use newer rendering tech available in new cards.

@Lindal Kidd Try this website https://in stock.org/ They aren't finding any Nvidia 3070 cards. But, they will email you when they find one.

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