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Aethro Estates Veilwood has affordable rentals!


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Aethro Estates has all the rentals you desire with the right prices and prims just for you! These plots are situated at Veilwood with an amazing setup for the residents and their friends to hang out.!
      With the entire land set up in a forest themed, mystical woods you would feel loved by nature around you. This region ensures atmost privacy as there's around 8m of trees and river between each plot so no-one can disturb you. Isn't that what we all need?

If this is the place you would like to live in, heres what we offer : -

1) 2021 Wild brook - 1,500L, 1298 prims

2) 2017 Wild Brook - 1,500L, 1298 prims

3) 2014 Wild Brook - 938L, 781 prims

4) 2010 Summer Thorn - 1500L, 1298 prims

5) 2005 Summer Thorn - 938L, 781 prims

6) 2000 Grassy Knoll - 6000L, 5000 prims

7) 1984 Holly Thicket - 1500L, 1298 prims

😎 1978 Holly Thicket - 1500L, 1298 prims

For images and teleports , visit https://www.aethro.net/sl/index/ or contact Jezabel David.

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