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"Do you look like your avatar IRL?"

Pony Waifu

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my avatar:

Hi ted Cruz here. Three months on HRT how do i look? : transgendercirclejerk

[image description: a pair of huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol' tonhongerekoogers bonkhonagahoogs. humongous hungolomghononoloughongous boobs photoshopped onto the zodiac killer.]

Edited by nyahrou
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21 hours ago, PermaRuthed said:

I'm as chic in RL as I am in SL.



Loving it!! Styling. We should go shopping together sometime.~

My current avatar actually looks like me, but I'd only ever get that question when I had my big titty small-waisted impossible-proportion'd anime avatar.

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Wanted to give a serious answer but laughed my ass  of reading the other answers 😅

Well, I'm gonna try anyway. My friends in RL recognise me when they see my avatar, but they also say that I look like I go to the gym everyday (which I refuse in RL) and I have also undergone a major rejuvenation treatment.

The side of my profile is the same as in RL: high forehead and a large but straight nose. Easy characteristics to make the avatar look a bit similar.

Edited by archangel969
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