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"Resurrected" avatar cannot be added to groups

Rowan Waffle

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This is an old alt that I was able to simply reset the password for and get her working - last use was, I think, 2009. So far, so good, but I've run into a problem - for the most part, she's not able to join groups. I'm on Firestorm viewer

For whatever reason, my primary account was able to add her to a group (being there personally), but two other people are trying to add me to two other groups (through chat), one I don't even get the "joined" dialog after clicking the join button, the other I got the "joined" dialog but it's not in my list, and I still cannot go to the parcel the group is attached to.

I've "cleared group cache" multiple times.  I think this is why I might have been able to join one group, but not others - could it have something to do with the request being "in person"? How do I fix this so group requests my alt receives offline can be successfully added when she comes online?

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Nope, that's not it - she is only in 4 groups from before.

We found a workaround, anyway - both she and the person adding her - whether it be a group or a friend request - has to be online together. That's fine for these groups, but gonna be a problem for "shopping" groups, I haven't experimented with that yet.

So, still looking for a solution.

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