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Looking to hire someone to make a script.

November Velde

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Hello! I am looking to hire a someone to make a script.

I don't know what all needs to happen so I'm going to explain how it works?

Lets say I have a bucket. It needs to be filled with water. If it doesn't have water, its useless. The bucket has a hole in it so you need to keep adding water for as long as you need to use the bucket. 

The bucket sees the water when said water is rezzed near it. Once the bucket sees the water, the water is consumed (no longer on the grid).

One unit of water lets you use the bucket for x-amount of time (which I determine). When I say "use", this can mean access to another function of the bucket. Lets say, you can now sit on it and get access to animation options. (sit beside it, hold it, kick it ect). This animation picking script is handled by an entirely different set of scripts. Lets say AVsitter.

The unit of water is created by a specific person. (which I determine)
The unit of water also has a specific name. (which I determine)
The unit of water is also no-copy no-mod.

If this is possible and you can do it, please contact me in-world.

If you have questions, please contact me in-world.

Yes, I will pay for a finished, fully-functioning product; please contact me in-world and we can talk price.

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