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Seeking help in shopping for a female head & body for my Star Wars character


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Hey everyone, to be short and sweet, I've attempted the piece-meal approach to creating a fun and modifiable character... The problem is, I've bought a lot of different heads, bodies and other items in my search and have not really been satisfied. So, I'm appealing to the community for help, because while I love the maitreya body, I have not had much luck in finding a head/body/skin/shape combo that works well together... Are there any shops that you might be willing to direct me to, or am I just going about my search the wrong way? I'm open to suggestions and help in this, as I'm not terribly well-versed in creating female avatars, but have a desire to learn more, as I'm RPing a female character and am attempting to make an avatar for my fiancee.

That said, if you have any suggestions, ideas or comments, I'd appreciate hearing from you, provided of course it's not to be rude. *Cannot countenance rude individuals*

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It sounds like you go for human female. I am not a Star Wars hard fan, but from what I have seen in the movies, the humans look like.... humans. Are you looking for alien skin/shape combos? Twi'lek, Togruta or Dathomirian? It would help if you got a picture of what you have in mind.

I am not an expert on this. I tried to make a twi'lek once, but the market for lekkus was not inspiring. It looked like crap.




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Even if you are a great searcher with a ring that rules all the search engines... SL search sucks. The Lab even tried using Google's engine in their system. Search still sucked. Right now SL searching is about the best it has ever been... in SL's case I should say the least sucky.

Maitreya is the most popular body in SL. More designers include products for it in their line than any other body. So I am assuming you are trying to use a shape that comes with either the head or body... which isn't going to work. Either the head will look good or the body. Not both.

This is a problem with how shapes work. There is no way to combine two shapes within the viewer. It can be done but requires editing shape files outside of SL (exported XML shape files). The alternative is to find a body shape you like that is mode OK. Copy down all the Appearance panel settings for the body. Then wear a head shape you like and type all those values in for the body. This will combine a head shape with the body shape. Save it as a new shape.

Edited by Nalates Urriah
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You may want to work backwards if you see any particular skins or clothing that fits with your character. So, if you find a spacesuit that you like then check what bodies it is compatible with. If you see a nice skin then look at what head it works with. I’d start by getting the demo of each body like Maitreya, Belezza and Slink. Then get demos of heads like Catwa, Lelutka and Genus. You can get any other mesh or head or body as well but those are the bigger ones that have more compatibility with clothing options and skins. From there I’d just go around to a few skin stores and try making something that you like. The process of getting the right avatar look sometimes takes a while or sometimes you find a combo that works right away.

For shapes I’d recommend making your own. I constantly tweaked face and body shapes until I had one that felt right. You may want to make the same body shape using each of the mesh body demos and make the same shaped face with each of your mesh heads. You will be able to notice the differences in each mesh body and mesh face and make an informed decision on your final choice.

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